Retrofit LedUV Offset

OFFSET Led UV Printing 72x104cm | The Game Changer

“We have entered a new era, a new phase … this is a significant paradigm shift in the current way of making or thinking about printing.”

Rui Vide
(Dir. Geral / General Manager)


• Drying of instant printing on any paper or print media
• No anti-repainting powder, no marks, no odor (less air contamination, less contamination of water) – Eco Friendly.
• Brighter, more vibrant colors on any paper, even on porous or recycled papers
• Expands the opportunity to add creativity and value to your prints
• Significant increase in Quality and Color Consistency across all media
• Production “Print on demand” in Offset with the reduction of “Time to Finishes”
• No need for protective coatings (can remove protective varnish)
• Possibility of Spot UV Coatings, Gloss (general brightness) and Strike-through (penetrating varnishes with special effects)
• Possibility of printing on substrates with high added value (IML, PP, Pet, Barrier Films, PVC Plastics, etc …)
• Ability to improve “Inline” printing
• Eco Efficient (very low energy consumption = more nature-friendly impression)