It is the department that has most evolved in technological terms at GMVide.
Today equipped with the latest generation RIP’s with color management and automation capabilities for CTP, CTF printers, small and large format digital printing.
Our professionals have very high Quality criteria in order for Art to Finalize the files that arrive with the greatest possible professionalism, because, in order to have a quality print job, and to avoid errors in the printing process, it is necessary to be attentive to all the details. On the other hand, we are able to give creativity to your ideas, developing works from scratch – from Briefing, to the Final Art.
In parallel, we combined the best of the printing world with the digital world, we have a Web Design Department with the capacity to create web pages, landing pages, and online and offline interactions with Qr Codes or Augmented Reality.
The Future of Printing is to be the best ally of online communication!